Dissertation: Improving Video Games Replayability Using Reactive AI

University Solo Work

  • For my final dissertation, I chose to write about something I am passionate about: advanced AI in games. I researched different types of behaviors and examined the popularity of the games that utilize them. I looked into public numbers as well as other available options to formulate a final conclusion.
  • My dissertation consists of a written piece (3000-4000 words, I might have gone a bit over) and an artifact to showcase the topic of the dissertation. I used my artifact (prototype) as an A/B Test Case to gather data on what the public would prefer and to better formulate my conclusion.


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Here are some of the skills i developed during this project:

  • C# Programming
  • Unity Engine
  • AI advanced Behavior
  • Combat Design
  • Data Analysis
  • Level Design
  • Fast Prototyping
  • Problem-Solving

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